
Kaiser has completed more than 500 construction projects,which are typically foreign enterprises from Japan,Europe, and the United States.

We are pleased to introduce you to our achievements. Which we hope will convince you of our construction quality.

  • EPC project

    EPC project

  • Workshop Inernal Work

    Workshop Inernal Work

  • Pipelines Work

    Pipelines Work

  • Electrical Work

    Electrical Work

  • Decoration Work

    Decoration Work

  • Floor Work

    Floor Work

  • Mechanical Installation Work

    Mechanical Installation Work

  • Outdoor Work

    Outdoor Work


Achievement introduction

Consulting?Asking for brochure TEL 0086-411-8762-2355 Weekday/9:00~18:00 Click here for inquiry form

  • The site you plan to visit


平定县| 溧水县| 长岭县| 镇赉县| 永州市| 观塘区| 洞头县| 柳州市| 万州区| 那坡县| 仁化县| 桃江县| 红桥区| 米易县| 百色市| 错那县| 仁寿县| 中方县| 卫辉市| 阿克陶县| 仁布县| 开阳县| 读书| 南岸区| 汉川市| 徐州市| 通城县| 五原县| 宁津县| 宜黄县| 新乡县| 崇左市| 酉阳| 青海省| 沙洋县| 怀来县| 永德县| 梅河口市| 平遥县| 镇远县| 临夏市|