
All Kaiser companies held a general meeting every month. We shared Kaiser's operation situation with all the staffs and let them know their own responsibility. Every Kaiser's staff has to know Kaiser's requirements on quality and the service standard for our clients. Everyone is responsible for creating a better organization system with Kaiser.

Kaiser organized plenty staff recreational activities, which increase communication and cooperation among staffs, evolve a teambuilding working atmosphere.

Visit World Expo 2010
Kaiser organized a trip to visit World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. During the visit, Kaiser staffs learned excellent foreign architectural design and new engineering techniques. This activity helps brainstorming and creates new design ideas among Kaiser designers.

Annual Celebration Party
At the end of each year, Kaiser holds its Annual Celebration Party. All Kaiser staffs take part in the party to celebrate the achievement made by them during the year, and make good wishes for the growing of the company in the coming year.

Dalian Long Walk Venue
Kaiser invites all its staffs to take part in the Dalian Long Walk Venue every spring. Till 2012, Kaiser has joint the venue for six consecutive years. Everyone is excited, walking side by side towards the finishing line. This activity increase team spirit among staffs, give them opportunity for team bonding.

Sport Activities
Kaiser invites its staffs and family members to take part in sport activates such as badminton, basketball, table tennis. The activity not only gives everyone a chance to recharge their batteries, but also create a good time for staffs and their family members to enjoy.

Team Bonding Activities
Kaiser organizes various team bonding activities. These games activities provide trainings on coordination and obedience, and team efforts on problem solving, which also give them a good time for memory.
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