
UNISTEEL handed over the project of the new plant in Nantong to Kaiser


Thanks to the trust of UNISTEEL, the project of the new plant in Nantong was handed over to Kaiser. Unisteel is a leading global manufacturer of precision engineering parts. Kaiser will use “Building Integrity” to deliver a satisfactory work for the owner.

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开阳县| 方山县| 无棣县| 聊城市| 攀枝花市| 富顺县| 淮滨县| 衡水市| 濮阳市| 金堂县| 仁布县| 桦川县| 金坛市| 衡东县| 永修县| 宜川县| 那坡县| 新民市| 天峻县| 汝城县| 长顺县| 原平市| 怀集县| 格尔木市| 五常市| 大兴区| 阿坝| 白水县| 乌海市| 江安县| 定边县| 多伦县| 新闻| 乐山市| 固原市| 保亭| 古浪县| 丰台区| 托克逊县| 庄浪县| 东平县|